Missing endings
Blog About:
Just another of the "Missing Authors" type blog. After seeing the blog about Elsbeth a few days ago, it got me feeing wistful and missing a lot of the authors from the past. For instance, I had the chance to be in contact with Genni Smith via email, and even telephone once before the end. Holly I only emailed a couple of times for writing help, The others? Never got the chance to let them know directly how much their writing affected me. Arecee, Marina, Maggie (OMG Such a great and prolific author), Bob Arnold, Stanman even. Trying to think of others, CrazyPaganGurl? Oh, and Pickles :( Jenna? Katie =and so many others I am forgetting.
All these authors that we know about, and then there those that are in a state on unknowing, like Elsbeth. Has anyone heard from Princess Kay? I keep hoping she'll finish Demon Queened, it was a fun irreverent story.
Then there are those sites that vanish in night, Anyone here remember Sapphire's Place? Then there are those that are just in a holding pattern until they run out of fuel, TSA, Crystal's StorySite, Nifty(?), and others I am not mentioning. Maybe I am getting old and nostalgic, but I remember one BBS that was run by Mindy. To those who are keeping those sites alive, thank you /hugs
Night everyone, be well and like Erin says, be kind to one another.