Coming clean...
So I know it's been a while, but I felt it was finally time to come clean about something. It's been eating at me for years now. I used to lie about myself on here a lot. I was so paranoid about being discovered that I would insist I wasn't Mormon or that I lived in Idaho rather than Utah. Ironically, I'm now atheist, but that's neither here nor there. Please know it was not a deliberately malicious choice, but one based out of fear and from my way of thinking was a misdirect. I was pretty paranoid.
I thought if anyone discovered the truth that I would be ostracized by my family and friends. I thought that my little interest in TG was something shameful to hide. Eventually I started telling the truth, but I never really did own up to the lies. I just pretended like they didn't happen. So for that I am truly and deeply sorry.
I spent years reading and eventually writing tg fiction to pacify a part of myself I didn't fully understand. It was something I could not reconcile with my beliefs and politics. That all changed when I finally accepted the truth and came out as trans. Now after starting HRT exactly two years ago to the day, I am out and proud living as myself. I'm very open about who I am and my journey. It's quite the turn around from someone who hid and pretended for so long. Somehow I even ended up becoming a marginally well-known twitter personality, I'm now involved in local activism, helped organize the first PRIDE event in my county and best of all I'm actually dating someone who accepts me for who I am. It's been a while ride. I wish I'd stuck around more to share it with you all.
Anyway to celebrate my two-year HRT-anniversary. I thought I'd share a bit of a blast from the blast. The photo on the left is a photo of my younger self, about fifteen years ago around the time when I first discovered this and some other sites. The one on the right is just a few weeks ago. Suffice it to say I much prefer the one on the right.
Hope everyone has a deliciously devious day,