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The past few days I've taken time off from work to plow ahead with the writing for this extended weekend. Progress has been slow per day but steady, and I'm pretty happy with how it's been going.
Today in planning for the next section I did a bunch of additional necessary research around the timing of the events in the story, and discovered that the more details I found out - the more things fell perfectly into place. Including unexpectedly some details regarding the name chosen for a character that was put in 'because it seems to fit' back in book 2. And here I am working on number 5. (And no, I won't give any spoilers!)
Plus this isn't the first time this sort of thing has happened when writing all of these. At moments it's felt like riding a train of synchronicity, to steal a term from Jung. Now as an author I'll later have to claim that 'of course this was all perfectly pre-planned!' and hope my nose doesn't grow a few inches, but yeah. :)
Has this happened a lot to other writers? Where small random details put into place early on suddenly later are the perfect puzzle pieces that click right in even better than had ever been planned or hoped? I'm curious, because it's been such a darn trip how often that seems to occur.
And at times it has left me wondering just who exactly is writing all of this: me, my subconscious, or...[fill in the mystical blank]? In any case, whoever my muse truly is deserves a bouquet of roses and some bottles of a seriously good wine.
I'll even toss in a box of fine chocolates...
- Erisian <3