Elite Sports and TERFs
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Elite Sports
I may get flamed for this but I’ve been thinking for a long time that campaigns to allow us to compete in sports – particularly at elite levels – is scoring a huge own goal for the TERFs.
In a perfect world then yes, allow it – however, once we have been through a male puberty it is unreasonable to claim that we have no physical advantage over born women. I hate what testosterone did to me, and I do not value the body that it gave me, but physically it has given me advantages over most women for many sports.
Even if it didn’t, the perception of cheating would remain and a trans woman winning an Olympic or other title, or a sports scholarship will always be suspect.
I know that this is unfair to us, but we must also consider what is fair to born women. Winning is great, but it means some other woman has lost and it will only make us enemies, and give ammunition to the TERFs.
I would happily play sports with women for fun, but if it was for a prize, or a title or other award my history would devalue winning even for me, and I know I would be resented. I decided a long time ago that I didn’t want to make any more enemies. Friends are better, as is acceptance and depriving born women of their sporting achievements would not help.
None of this applies to those who were fortunate enough to transition young with puberty blockers, or AIS or other intersex conditions. Sadly that doesn’t include me. I am speaking from personal experience – when I first transitioned I dreamed of competing as a woman. However, time, reflection and talking to others convinced me that it just wasn’t right.
This is my first blog post, can't see how to get my name on it - AlisonP