Amazon a party to criminal copyright infringement?
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As a published author on Amazon I find myself troubled that it is so easy for people to blatantly infringe copyright using the Amazon Platform.
As a publisher Amazon has a vested interest in protecting copyright, yet there is almost no way of raising the issue of copyright infringement.
Over on Fictionmania Message Board recent exchange started like this:
A message by trish on 02/03/2022: "Subject: My story ripped off Kindle, Morning everyone, Just a quick advisor to any authors seeing this to check out Suzie Wang's page on Kindle Store because if she's ripped off my Rock On story and published it under her own name then she's probably done it to others who publish on FM Has anyone any experience of Amazon's Copywrite infringement process as I've submitted a claim?"
Andrea DiMaggio replied on 02/03/2022: "A quick scan shows several titles which look familiar. Including Karen Elizabeth L.' s The Princess Project. What was that old saying? Imitation is the sincerest form of LARCENY?"
Ralphi replied on 02/03/2022: "Mary Beth Sanford's story Cissy Be The Clown has also been stolen. I'm guessing all Suzie Wang's stories are stolen. Unfortunately only the Copyright holder can submit a claim."
My response: "Actually, that is not entirely correct. The copyright holder is the only person who can pursue a civil suit but Amazon can and should be advised that they are a party to criminal copyright infringement. Once the facts are made known then both Amazon and the fraudulent "author" are wilfully infringing a copyright for the purposes of private financial gain. In my experience Amazon are too big and very slow to act, but the more people who complain about criminal behavior the more likely they are to act. Could all readers of this Board please send a message to Amazon? Maryanne"
Seriously, if we do not get out and hold the largest publisher on the planet to account, what is the use of copyright?
Do something, people.