Thought's on why we are, what we are
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I have been chatting to Patricia on here for a day or two. She kindly offered to help me with images for my stories.
She sent me a link to her story on the site, Silence is Golden. I was not surprised how much her story reflected my own to some extent.
There were a few things she asks that I asked myself or was asked by my wife.
Here are some of my thoughts. Excerts from her story are in bold.
Why do I want to wear the clothes?
I tried to explain this to my wife once, she did not understand. At lot of women can't. I get it, if you eat ice cream every day, and someone who has eaten only once tells you how wonderful it is , you would not understand either . Many men like to caress the soft silky clothes women wear, I go one step further and wear them myself.
Women's clothing can be functional , fun, sexy, beautiful, and make a statement. Men's are mainly functional. In Elizabethan times, men wore stockings, ruffs and lace. All considered female clothing now(Not ruff's)
When I was young (5 years) I saw my mum's knickers in her draw and tried them on. Women have not been told. "you can't wear that." for a 100 years. Males are told that constantly, you can't wear anything that makes you look weak. Men have to maintain a look of strength.
We see positive discrimination and programmes trying to get women into traditional male jobs. Rarely the other way around, Male nurses or primary schoo teachers.
Most people who are transgendered seem to abhor labels.
When I was younger, the idea of being “gay or BI” never entered my head. We all dressnor "present" for different reasons. There are a so many variations. I have come to realize as I have got older, BI, gay, TV, TG are all just labels to put us into boxes that others can understand.
That’s how humans deal with the world. You are BI, gay etc , so you are like this , so I will deal with you like this. I know “crossing the line” is a big thing. The first time I went with a guy, lots of thoughts went through my head. On the way home , I thought, am I gay now? BI? Trans?
Well I didn’t go out and buy a manbag and start mincing.(which is fine if you want to do that). I was just the same person as I was before, just with a little more knowledge.
When I am dressed as a guy , I act like a guy. When I dress as a woman, I feel comfortable doing more feminine things. That is just me though. We are all here for a limited amount of time, everyone is different. Now I try to accept what others want to do, if I don’t like it I don’t have to do it.
My normal may not be your, yours may not be mine.
A guy I know was complaining about gay marriage, I said that’s ok that you don’t approve, just leave them alone and don’t marry a gay guy and you should be OK.
I know the girl inside is too strong to ignore, so I have come to an agreement with her. If I came out it would ruin my family life, then 5 years down the line maybe the fantasy would not match the reality.
I learned to cry again.
That's just like me now. Now that I have accepted what I am, I cry far more easily. I hardly cried when my father died. My wife had said that I didn't cry when my father and brother died. I stuffed it down inside like most men do.
I ended up suffering with depression for two years.I even developed a stress twitch, which I still have when I'm stressed.
I put not crying partially down to my brain being in survival mode. I have been the only wage earner in my family. If I didn't work we lose everything. Without a job we would all be under a bus. I was focused on my job to keep the family going.Nothing else mattered.
Now I have no mortgage, and savings meaning I could have a year or so off if I wished. I don't have the mental panic, so I can find the real me now.