Unkind reviews
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I was on Fictionmania a few days back. I read a story where teenage boys were fed hormones by their mothers after fighting at school.
It was fairly normal stuff, it wasn't particularly badly written. It was by an author called Metmanmornge.
There were a few nasty reviews. One said it was so bad it should be deleted. Another said it made no sense as the boys would beat their mother to death before this happened etc. It was pointed out that the site was called Fictionmania, and the story was fiction. I suggested if people didn't like it, they should just stop reading.
The author responded and said he liked reading criticism, and this type of story was their preferred genre.
I checked a little while ago to see how the comments were going. Metmanmornge had deleted themselves along with all their stories.
With a few sites, Fictionmania included, you can leave reviews without an email address or account. All of the negative reviews were left in this way. The trolls won again. Another writer who will never post again.
I have had a few nasty reviews. Grammar nazi's pointing out a misplaced comma etc. I used one review section for a row between myself and a reviewer criticising me on my spelling and using bad English. Most of this was due to the use of U.K. spelling rather than American. After around ten exchanges, pointing out that their review, and argument was full of grammar and spelling mistakes. They then said, well English isn't my first language. The admin then deleted the entire conversation.
Bigcloset only allows reviews from registered users. It also allows editing once you post, so you can correct mistakes. I have only had constructive criticism on here. Advice on format and proof reading have help me produce stories that are easier to read.
Just wanted to say thank you for such an author friendly site.