That moment when...
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the universe makes it abundantly clear that it has it in for you. I had that moment last night. After a fantastically shitty day where everything bad that could happen did happen my word processor decided to crash mid-writing session. Then, at the very second that I screamed to the heavens, "Why can't anything ever go right for me!" that is when the universe delivered the coup de grace by having winblows give me the blue screen of death and shut down, oh and then I broke a nail.
There wasn't much lost since I've been regularly saving to my external hard drive and nothing seems to be wrong with the laptop other than if having Windows 10 on it but I'm losing the will to fight. Sure, I can rewrite the bits that were lost, I might be able to find all of the sites that I was using for research and had yet to bookmark in my history, and my nails might eventually get to the length I like them again but the point has been made. That point is that the universe is giving me the middle finger.
Even before that, I spent most of the weekend since Friday night a sobbing mess for several reasons. I now have less than a month to find a new place to live and income to afford it, when the past three months have turned up nothing. I've been so worked up over this crap that I've been constantly having the worst anxiety attacks of my life. Martin seems to delight in rubbing his new dating life in my face (because I'm his best friend and he values my opinions, apparently) and it cuts me to the core because for some stupid reason I'm still in love with him and he knows that.
I can't think clearly and I haven't been able to get much of anything (re)done with all of this so there won't be any Apocalypse Dawn this week. I need to recharge my battery and get my head on straight before I do something really stupid. I'm going crazy being stuck here in this situation, I feel broken, and I'm not sure anymore if I have the energy to not just throw in the towel or let the universe count me out.
*sorry for whining everyone*