When is a garden not
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A garden? I've been watching a British program called "Escape To The Country". There are several things that strike me, but one is the tendency to call everything around the houses a "garden". When you are looking at an acre and a half of land, that isn't a garden, that's a yard, and a freaken' big one at that! For all of us Americans, that's 65,340 sq. feet or 7260 sq. yards.
Yet all concerned happily term this a garden, even though this is a lawn with proper lawn grass. It may have flowers, usually around the borders, but us Americans would likely term it a backyard or maybe a lawn.
I've seen them call a two acre plot a garden, even when they are stabling and riding a couple of horses on it.
I won't mention the prices, except to call them palatially-priced by our standards. A high six figure price, in USD (converted from 2014 UK prices). An attached garage, particularly a two-car garage, is close to being non-existent. Not even a carport! Which, in the UK's climate, suggests an amazingly low imagination.
But the British horribly abuse the term "garden". ;-(