What if I'm the One
Ever since being a part of the "One Dozen Roses" anthology I contemplated if I could get my characters together to talk. I decided to go with the guys in each story and allow them to drop (even more) of their defenses and we get to hear what happened after their perspective stories.
The seven are forced to go to group therapy due to various issues: Matt, for example, has to take it as a part of his probation; Spencer, because he was found floating in the Spokane river after jumping from a bridge.
Jason A. Dennereck (A Window to Your Heart/Save Me from Myself)
Age: 28
Married to Charlotte “Charlee” (Martin) Dennereck (per episodes of "The Adolescent Files")
Children: (2)
Eric Stradlin (Unwritten Rules)
Age: 19
Engaged...kind of, it's complicated in a non-Facebook way: Rebekah Anne Bettencourt
Matthew Tracker (I’m on the Outside/To Be a Different Someone)
Age: 18
Girlfriend: Jennifer Aylesea Monroe
Andrew Lawry (Leaves That Are Green)
Age: 18
Kris Gersmehl (Jazeta Amber Daniels)
Age: 23
Married: Jazeta (Daniels) Gersmehl
Children: (2)
Josh Daniels (MooneShadows/Starlight to Twilight)
Age: 21
Children: (1)
Spencer Logan. (A Change Would Do You Good)
Age: 22