Copulatione Sanctorum
The following is a comment I made regarding the story linked below:
I take no joy in this. BUT
When his parents gave him a pass by skipping the all important duty to get him authentic help via a qualified professional, they did him and every single person he hurt when he was a teen AND his subsequent victims a GRAVE harm. His siblings were practically bullied into 'forgiving' his sexual abuse to them. I have no doubt that the baby sitter he molested was a member of their church, and likely was coerced into forgiving him as well.
The man who supposedly 'counseled' him assumed a mentoring role that provided little more than slap on the wrist, which was essentially a tacit endorsement. That man; yet another member of his spiritual 'covering, is in prison for his own child pornography offenses.
Now Duggar has a wife who is expecting her seventh child, and she will likely be a de facto single mother for a long time to come, with likely only the same failed guidance provided by his spiritual 'guides.'
BOTTOM LINE? The church continues to focus on transgender and other members of the LGBTQ community; including his own hypocritical anti-LGBTQ history and the organizations for which he served. LGBTQ people who receive invective and worse merely for being themselves. And the simultaneous super-spiritual and dogma continues to fuel the failure to address sexual sin amongst them.
NEVER NEVER NEVER forgive an offense for which you hold no part. His crime, should it be proven to be true, did NOT start when he got out of his bogus rehab when his past was revealed. And once again? It is not some satanic cabal that is doing this, but family and friends and trusted people in the lives of sexual abuse victims.
The only thing I hope for is that his wife and kids are somehow separated from that HERESY, and that he gains a measure of mercy ONLY if he cooperates and reports his co-conspirators.