First Anniversary
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Today marks one year since I posted my first story on BCTS.
A week or so ago Jill warned against analyzing responses to stories, but I have to say that I could not help myself.
I love the kudos feature. I have looked at popularity by these and I see that the lowest is "Big" with 44 and the highest "New Plumbing" with 240.
I confess that I am a little surprised. These are both "voluntary" stories which I don't write too many of, but maybe the more popular one is more romantic?
I have also done my own hits to kudos ratio as perhaps a more accurate assessment. I average 5% across all my stories with the lowest ratio (1.5%) being "All Grown Out" (a personal favorite) and the highest being "Searching".
Today I posted story number 226. I know that I am overly prolific - it is just that my imagination outstrips my concentration.
I know that people want me to write longer stories but for now they roll where they roll, and end where they finish. But with Erin I am working on some things, so who knows.
But the real reason for writing this is to thank all my readers for their attention and their kind comments. I really feel part of a special community of writers and readers, so thank you to all.
Please keep reading and commenting, and if you like my latest perhaps consider going through some of my back catalog for your pleasure? Be sure to comment if you.
With love to you all