Adrenaline Jackey page 2
I could see a light at the end of a tunnel, “Come on, push, push.” A voice cheered, “You’re almost there, keep pushing!” When my eyes adjusted, I was looking at a nurse. Did I just get Isekai’d? “Mr. and Mrs. Kellerston, congratulations! It’s a girl!” Oh no, I wasn’t isekai’d. The nurse put me in mom’s arms. She looked much younger and happier with a smile on her face. Dad’s face popped into view; I’ve seen pictures of my dad young but seeing him now is so different. He’s attractive, very attractive, nothing like he was when I was well yeah.
“What should we name her, honey?” Dad spoke softly as though the loudest sound could disrupt the serenity in the room.
“Rome.” My mom replied caressing my head.
“Hello little Rome, I hope you become big and strong like your mother.” HAH strong like my mother that’s a joke. She’s the biggest push over I ever knew.
“We hope that no matter what, you know that we love you, Rome.” Mom spoke. Hey no, don’t do that you’re gonna make me… “Oh goodness someone’s hungry.” The last thing I remember was a boob.
Time passed as I grew as little Rome. It was odd being a girl. I played with dolls and had stuffies to sleep with. My parents were VERY protective of me and wouldn’t let me out of their sight for a moment. At least until…
It was a humid day at the creek. Every weekend in the summer my family would go down to Burgton’s famous creek to hang out and have fun. I was ten at the time and everything was grand. Naples was already his normal anxious, paranoid self and I well it was odd normally I’m adventurous but throughout my whole life so far, I didn’t have an adventurous bone in my body.
“Rome, come over here!” It was my thirteen-year-old sister, Florence. I never knew she had braces, I always thought she just had a perfect smile naturally.
“What is it, sis?” I asked, raising a brow.
“There’s this secret place that me and my friends hangout, you wanna see?”
“Follow me.” I followed her up, climbing rocks and stairs until we were on the top of the biggest rock. Several other teens were there… drinking alcohol. An uncomfortable feeling coiled and snaked around my body. I held Florence’s hand tighter. “No need to be nervous, all my friends are very nice. I know they’ll love you.”
“Hey Flora, wha cha got right there?” It was one of the guys, he was lanky and skinny with just a toned body.
Florence, “This is my little sister, Rome. Rome say hi.”
“Hi.” I spoke shyly.
“No need to be shy, little lady. We’re all friends here.” Not too long until we were surrounded by teens asking me all sorts of questions making me feel a part of a group. I somehow came out of my shell and they all accepted me.
At least a girl with a vicious tone announced, “Since we have a new member to our little party. I think it’s costumery to give her a trial! What do you all think?” The chants were slow but slowly picked up with everyone except Florence chanting trial.
“She’s just ten, she’s too young to do that drop. If she gets hurt, my parents will KILL me.” Florence protests but I gave a nod of assurance.
“So, what do I have to do?”
There I stand on the edge of the rock as the cold waters below remained still. “Rome seriously, you don’t have to do this is you don’t want to.” Florence pleaded nervously. I was scared, terrified but something in me loved it. I flashed her my wild grin and flipped down into the great water. I never felt anything like this up until now I was just doing gymnastics but this… this was powerful and every part of my being vibrated as I flew down, diving into the creek of time.
It was odd, I could’ve sworn I had just jumped into a creek and now I’m here primping my looks and makeup. It was prom night as a junior and I had a date with my childhood best friend, Frankfurt. He looked so handsome when I saw him in his suit. So strong from his role as a football player. Just thinking about his muscles makes me wanna oolala. I shook my head. Head in the game, Rome, head in the game.
I powdered my nose and went back out. My eyes darted around catching Frank drinking. I strutted to him. “Hey uh, wanna dance?”
He smiled handsomely, “You know I’m terrible at dancing.”
“It’s about having fun, silly boy. Come on.” I grabbed his hand and pulled him, “Just follow me.”
At first the boy was awkward but as we moved along, he became more comfortable with his movements and body. Eventually we got to a slow song and danced lovingly in each other’s arms. It was beautiful and made my heart whole. I love him, I love him so much that my eyes teared up and my heart ached for his lips. He’s always been a mind reader as he gives me my wish and kisses me lovingly on the lips, “I love you, Rome.”
“I love you too, Frank.”
The next thing I heard was wailing as the baby in my arms would just not stop. I tried feeding him, rocking him around, checking his diaper, but he just wouldn’t stop crying. Then I remembered something my mom taught me. I turned on the overhead fan and rocked the baby gently as the baby memorized himself with a spinning object.
The baby grew as did his interests. He wasn’t like the normal boys and constantly wanted all kinds of girly things. Anytime Frank or I denied him, he’d scream. We didn’t know what to do but just give him his dolls and barbies.
One day he came to me and said, “Mommy… can I be a girl?” It hit me right then who he was… who she was.
I smiled at my beautiful daughter, “Of course, pumpkin.” And she fell into my arms happy with tears.
Her life was a beautiful one to watch and grow. She got married to a beautiful wife and was happy. That’s all a mother wants for her child, happiness.
And now I lay on my death bed surrounded by friends and family. Frankfurt died decades ago and I remained a widow, helping out my grandchildren, and being the grandmother they needed in their life. I lived a beautiful life but it was time to go. My body ached with pain and age. My mind wasn’t as sharp or witty. And all I wanted to do was sleep. So, I did what I’ll always be remembered for, I gave them all a wild grin as the world turned to darkness.
Only I woke up, finding myself in the hospital with tears streaming down my face with the desperate want to go back to being Rome… to being my true self.
Hi everyone! I hope you really like this installment of Adrenal Jackey!! Please have a happy happy day!!!!!!!!!!!
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