to edit or not to edit... pt 2
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So… the adventure continues, or something equally profound or pompous maybe, depending on your point of view.
Some six months back I posted a blog about the idea of… shudder, using an editor. As I've freely admitted I'm a bit freeform uneducated twit type stylist. So the idea of having someone else mess about with my masterful (mistressful?) scribbling seemed to be… not a good idea. Lose the spontaneous rambleness that is me in written form… well, something like that.
Still, I did after some consideration concede that perhaps there was something to be gained, learnt even. So I did begin a story with various intent and even approached a known editor type person who graciously agreed to take a peek.
But… well, life and stuff and just, things, happened and everything stalled for a while. But then, we have another contest and methinks… well after the, 'urk, Romance you've got to be kidding', thought. It was, hey, the whole try something to see if you can idea and so, I did. Once again I asked said editor person if she wouldn't mind and indeed she didn't and so…
I scribbled away and after a week or so I came up with a story. Now usually I will just get things to a certain point and go, right, that's it, let's post. But in this instance I lobbed the story to my esteemed editor. Next day back it came with some thoughts and ideas scribbled throughout and a suggestion or three at the end.
It is possible that due to the editing idea I was to some extent second-guessing myself because I doubted a few sections validity. Yes, some of that was indeed questioned, plus some things that I had also thought about. There were also some things that I had not pondered on, so I did.
Upshot I did a revision with some bits chopped and some tweaked a little and a few extra little thingies here and there.
Now having lobbed off the revision I'm sitting writing this and trying to see what I think and feel about it.
Some of the edit scribbles were pure proofing things that everyone misses, because after a while you could read the story over and over and you still will not see them. Some were purely educational as Angela (Jill) tried to get me to properly use those three dot thingies, yes ellipses, I know. Gabi tried to belt me with that a while back too, but I's a stubborn cuss. But it is better to use such things proper like I do believe, so… and then four, er…. To finish. See learn somethin' new everyday.
Other suggestions related to plot and character development along with a gentle poke at writing to a plan. That is I tend to womble on a bit and add extraneous detail that may be sort of interesting but doesn't really take the story anywhere. But well, I did trim some and perhaps it is unnecessary sometimes but then there's always stuff happening that just happens and goes nowhere and we don't get answers and… so some wombling stayed.
I guess maybe the question out there is, was it good for you? Honestly, I expected it to be harder, but then maybe Angela was going easy on me. It is I believe a shared thing, in this instance I write the story and then she looks it over to see any mistakes and then how it might be a little better than it is. As long as I am able to step back and look at any suggestions as just that, no problem. I am after all, free to use them or not. Of course if I just go, nah stuff it I'll go with what I wrote first up, then Angela would quite rightly say, don't ask me again. Co-operative, it has to be. I didn't use all her ideas, but I did look at them. Some made me think and I went with them at least in part. The story is still mine, though I believe better than the original. See that's the point, to try it and see.
Oh, the story came back with a general thumbs up and a few minor suggestions again. Again, I looked at them and used most, in my own way.
Like I said last time, or somewhere; I don't know it all or anywhere near it. Angela is more learned and has a possibly different approach and style. But I can learn from doing this and I did. I will try again, Angela willing and hopefully learn some more.
The story posts and then it's down to you guys. I will send the original un-edited version if anyone would like to compare, just drop a PM.
See it's all about the story and my relatively mild little ego can cope with another finger in the paint pot… sometimes. I would say to anyone that contemplates having a second set of eyes look things over, suck it and see. Nobody has to do nuthin', but it can't hurt to try.
Thanks to Angela Rasch and the other editors that do what they do. The fees are pretty reasonable too.
Respectfully yours
ps….. should said story actually win anything in said contest any winnings will be donated to the Hatbox for general upkeep. Just a wee pinch of payback, in the unlikely event…. Thanks for this place Erin.
Editor’s Note:
Kristina left out a few things, which is strange for a wombler.
I always try to tell the author what parts of her writings I absolutely love. In this story there were several phrases that knocked me off my chair. I think it is important to give positive affirmation along with criticisms. Also, it’s easy to work with Kristina because I know she will stand up for her work. If I miss her point and suggest a change that goes against what she wants to say, I know she’ll push back. Likewise, she will take my suggestion and run with it, making it her own and raising the bar.
Thank you to the writers who allow people like me to hang around inside their heads. Most writers have such comfortable craniums.
Jill (Angela)