Perplexed idea
Ok so....
I am in a cunnundrum
Need advice/feedback whatever, I feel I cannot even say what I mean to say, like a toungue twisted flute player mistaking a clarinet for a flute.
Ok, so like I read this old artical, he** I am not even sure how on earth it came to me, its random, and my memory is hazy but I saved it in a word document to use.
I am considering writing a story, that incorrporates the material described.
I am unsure whether or not to do this though, let alone post a link to the 2012 daily mail blog thingy.
Needless to say it is about a parent whom belived' empahsis on the past tense in gender neutral parenting, aka permitting their biologically inclined son to be active in their femininity, which was extremly strong, only to get uppity about it, taking away every feminine thing & 'redirecting' them to masculinity forbidding femininity, after 5 years of essentially being a girl.
Claiming success, only I think we all know the likelyhood of that is like 1-7/100th of a chance.
Due to this, I feel like to work through my feelings over it, I need to adapt a POV (point of view) based history inculined post forced feminine reversion. (forced to be a boy, dispite identity)
It breaks my heart & I am unsure, if this is the right idea.
I have issues myself that by doing so might help me work through this, but on the other hand might seriously trigger my psych & emotional issues where it replays in my mind and latches on like feeling bugs moving inside your skin, though there are none.
I know this in and of itself may, also upset others, while also engaging others, so I do not know if it is fair of me, to risk hurt of others, yes yes I am so very confused atm, my mind is racing like crazy, as it usually does, anxiety, depression bordeline-PD etc really messes with you, especially when seriously traumatized with C-PTSD.
If you understand where I am coming from, thanks, not many do
But anyways, is it even legal to do this from an incorporated artical?
Is it ok to make this, should I do it?
I may be over reacting, doesnt help I have been without my ongoing therapist/therapy for the last about 4 monthes, when I need it about twice a week minimal.
I dunno, so jittery from this it is eating me up inside, I feel like I have to do something, this feels like what I have to do, but I am confused and scared & honestly conflicted.
I know it is no one elses decision, but I could really use some advice/help on this, it is not exactly something I can just ask random self help groups on FB about... too much bias & bigotry out there, the slightest bit these days puts me in fits.
Sorry if I am all skichity about like this, I dunno I could really use your help please