Well, I've made it through the first week of my RLT.
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though not without incident. A couple of really bad things, about which I have already blogged, marred what was, otherwise, a dream for me. I am slowly coming to grips with the passing of my Mom, and I will be okay. My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone who posted comments to my blog entries about it.
I got to be on radio. I got to be on TV. I was interviewed by media, and I got a book signing at a major bookstore. In addition, I have, as I've already said, the complete co-operation and backing of both the place where I work, and virtually all the people who work there, and the county attorney, since I also work for the county.
All week, I have literally breezed through possible confrontations with not even a backward glance. I've not been hassled, I've not been confronted, no one has said anything out of the ordinary about me or my 'new' style of dress. I've been in restaurants, fast food places, grocery stores, drugstores, virtually very place you can name that's public, with scarcely a strange look. In fact, Tina, my housemate, who has been with me for a lot of these excursions, told me that no one even bothered to look twice at me.
That last is sort of a mixed blessing for me. True, no one bothered to look twice, so that means I passed successfully. However, no one looked twice at me, which means that I didn't look pretty enough for anyone to take a second look! LOL
I've used ladies rooms, no problems, even with other females in the room with me. Yes, I have gone where no man has gone before...well, except for janitors and like that. LOL
I've escorted on the bus without incident. No one, again, has said anything at all about me or my appearance except to tell me good luck, or compliment me on how good they thought I looked. I have felt as free and easy as I have ever felt in my whole life. It's like that feeling you get, coming home after a long journey. I feel like I'm finally home.
I've even met an incipient T-girl who works and lives very near me, and I received this email today, though not from the aforementioned incipient T-girl.
>>>Dear Cathy,
This is Tina, the daughter of Betty that you helped in with groceries from the CARTS bus today. I want to let you know what an honor it was to meet you. When my Mom and I listened to you on the radio, we were so impressed with your courage and honesty. We thoroughly enjoyed the program.
I was pleasantly surprised to hear such an interview on WJTN. It's the station my Mom listens to and I've always found it rather reserved and straight laced if you will.
As I said, my very best friend of 20 years has been living as a woman ever since I've known her. She's the most wonderful person and amazing friend I have ever had. She has not and probably never will ever get the opportunity to have the reassignment surgery because of the cost, but she is doing great just the way she is for now. Part of the reason I was so glad to meet you is because I so admire you for being such a strong woman. Not necessarily because of the nature of your journey, but because you have the guts to be who you truly are inside. Not many people have that, no matter what their circumstances.
I also didn't get a chance to get the info on the sight you referred to today. Can you possibly send that info to me? I certainly hope I have not offended you in any way by my boldness, but I was just so honored to meet a person of your strength and character that I had to say something.
I certainly hope that I will hear from you and again, it was a pleasure to meet you.
Tina (this is from a different Tina, Not my housemate)<<<
Needless for me to say, but I was completely blown away by this woman's reaction to me, as well as her Mother's reaction, and then this email. I don't see me the way she describes me, not at all. I just try to do the right thing, as often as I can, and I try to make people feel good about themselves.
Whatever claim to any kind or notoriety I might have, is a direct result of all the help and encouragement I've gotten, from all of you online, my Family of choice, and it's to you I re-direct the words in this email. It's all of you who gave me the courage and the will to enter my RLT, and I'll never be able to thank you all, enough.
So, I'd have to say that, all things considered, other than things that were out of my control, my first week of RLT have been an unqualified success. I'll continue this blog, if there's any interest.
Again, my most sincere thanks to all of you. Without you, I could never have even contemplated this RLT, let alone accomplish and succeed in it.
Huggles from,
Catherine Linda Michel