I’m a bit on edge and struggling...
First of I need to say, I started my HRT and transition five years ago and the last time that I’ve felt any aspect of my dysphoria was almost three years ago... I was doing extremely well... A couple of weeks ago the clinic I use swapped doctors, and my new doctor... UGH!!!
First off she refused to listen... My T-levels were INSANELY high when I started, one of the reasons why I used to be a massive 265lb bald behemoth with a big goatee... I’ve had to take a LOT of spiro to counter the testosterone that I had, and while it was still higher than most (at least those who are transitioning) it was manageable... I even started getting a lot of new regrowth on my head in places that hadn’t seen hair in over a decade...
When she checked me she commented on my blood pressure being low, which it has always been borderline normal/low since I was a teenage... It was still in MY normal range when she tested it, I was informed that I was wrong and it was a result of the spiro I’m taking... Secondly she told me I need testosterone in my life so I can have a sex drive, I told her no I don’t need one and its not a good idea... Once again she told me I was wrong and it’s healthier to have a sex drive...
She cut my blocker dose my HALF... Told me that we will counter it with increasing my estrogen... I’m like okay... To play it safe though she wont increase my E till my next appointment... In NOVEMBER!!!
I started getting the random sponatious responses from down below just over 10 days ago... Each time it triggers my dysphoria once again... Which has kicked my anxiety back into overdrive... My anxiety causes me to get nauseous and I struggle to keep down food... I’ve lost 7 lbs in the last 9 days... I tried to call the clinic to let them know what’s going on... The doctors response was if my gender dysphoria is causing anxiety that I need to go to a therapist...
My GD and anxiety was why I went to my GT and got started on my HRT... Now I’m supposed to go back?
I’m sorry... I’m so beyond frustrated and angry right now... I just want to scream at the top of my lungs...
Sorry for my rant... :-(
Becca Cross.