Lest We Forget
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From time to time Big Closet writers become upset by comments -- or even lack of comments.
I just read about Angharad’s decision to cease writing for BC. She has been worn down by what she considers to be negative remarks. What’s negative and what isn’t, is her decision . . . as is how she reacts.
She has proven her character through her diligence to her craft. BC would be a much different place without her involvement. I hope she reconsiders and keeps writing for BC.
However, writers who become upset by comments and world conditions have been a mainstay on BC for years. Writers come and go for a variety of reasons. Often the reasons for leaving are so hollow that it’s obvious Real Life is presenting challenges that are more demanding or attractive than BC can offer.
If you’re considering leaving BC because of what someone has said please:
1.) Review Erin’s rules. There are answers within them.
2.) Consider that John Grisham and Stephen King are often panned by critics. Not everyone enjoys every style of writing or every genre. For example, I’ve greatly enjoyed several of Angharad’s short stories, but can’t find it in me to commit to her longer pieces. That’s not about her, at all.
3.) Understand that BC is an opportunity. It is a place where you can put your heart on display through your writing with the assurances that Erin will make every effort to make sure someone doesn’t stomp on your dreams. It still happens, but it isn’t because Erin isn’t trying to protect you . . . it’s often because that person who is criticizing you can’t see an inch beyond their own needs and is callously stroking their ego at your expense -- or some other such nonsense.
The question was asked, what will become of BC if Angharad and others leave? If history serves, nothing much will change. Over the last almost two decades, extremely prolific writers have left BC. They’re missed, but the world doesn’t come crashing down. BC has had hundreds of authors come and go. Some were better than Angharad, but she is unique, and in that regard, irreplaceable. BC would be different without her, not especially worse, not especially better, but different. For many, it would leave a hole in their day. It would be as painful as losing many of those who are remembered on the right-hand side of the landing page.
Before you decide to commit “BC suicide” you should really understand what you’re giving up. Sure, not everything is perfect here. (I’m here and I can be a real pain in the ass as can just about everyone I’ve ever met that was worth knowing.)
Imperfect as it is, it is BC’s mission to be a friendly place.
That’s special.
That’s real.
That’s uncommon.