Janglewood Problems
For some reason, Jangle wood won't accept my user name or email address. After PayPal states that I have paid, a big yellow page with the word Janglewood pops up telling me that - The page could not be found and an error number Node.3- appears.
There ae two boxes for my user name (Beverly Taff) or my email address in one and my password in the other but Janglewood refuses to accept either. It keeps telling me that my email address is not a proper address but of course it is, I use it all the time. If I try to create a new account Janglewood tells me that my email address already exists and to use another one.
Nor will it accept my password which is the same password as I use for Big closet so it is impossible for me to contribute/donate money to BC.
Short of using snail-mail, is there anyway of bypassing the jangle-tangle?