Wigging Out
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I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks, and I just found myself writing a message to a company that specializes in dressing boys up as girls (tranniegear.com). Having re-read my own letter, and having a streak of narcissistic self-appreciation of my own wit (should I make my own big head joke, or leave it for someone else to do?), I thought it might be fun enough to share.
Dear Jesse,
I notice that you don't have sizes listed for any of your wigs. In the Paula Young wig catalog, their sizing chart shows that I probably need their size Large. (paulayoung.com)
A couple of years ago at Ricky's, I bought a "one size fits all; don't worry, it's completely adjustable -- see the hooks?" wig. I was too bashful to try it on in the store. Well, it didn't, it wasn't, and it didn't sit right at all. I gave it away to someone with a smaller head, and it didn't work for them, either.
My other wig experience was much better, but not without strife. I bought a wig in a beauty supply store in Brooklyn. I tried the display model on in the store. It was perfect. They brought me a brand new one from the back, which they wouldn't let me try on due to their no-return policy or something. I was suspicious, but they reassured me that it was exactly the same. That was a lie. It wasn't. It was a different cap size (too small), and the cut was almost 2" shorter (pretty obvious in a shoulder-length long, straight wig). I brought it back, they cited their no-return policy again, I threw a hissy-fit and eventually, after much yelling by me, pointing and measuring and waving arms and much cursing in an oriental language by the owner, left with the display model.
So... What's the story with your wigs? What are their size range, and what size heads will they sit properly on and still look like they do in the catalog?
Thanks in advance,