The Coolest thing Ever!
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I just had the coolest thing ever happen. In fact, it may take days for
me to put it into perspective. I had to run down to a little store, because
we were out of cat food, and despite what I wrote to Sue Brown, I have
to bribe my cats with food so they'll like me.
Anyway, I'm standing there, waiting for my Pizza to be cooked (Because
I have to bribe my wife so she'll like me.), and I'm listening to this nice
couple from down in CT, who are waiting for the same thing -- Hot Pizza,
and the meaning of life.
Now I didn't hear the first part of the conversation, because as you all
know, I'm a real misanthrope, and I hate people; but, I come to realize that
they are talking about this woman reading stories on the computer. The man
goes on about how silly it is for her to be reading things that make her cry,
so much.
(Of course, as soon as I hear that, my little ears begin to swivel independently,
probably because whenever my wife and kids eat all the pizza, I have to poach
the cat food for my dinner.)
Sure enough, about ten seconds later, I hear the words Samantha, and hospital,
and now a little girl...
I'm dumbfounded.
I started to laugh. I'm pretty sure that they think I've gone nuts right
there in the Pizza line, which does happen, but usually only when they run out of
So now this woman is looking at me, her eyes a little wide, as she realizes
I might be laughing at what she'd said to her husband, obviously in the belief
that no one would know what it was that they were talking about. There I am,
giddy from the lack of food, and unable to control my self.
"Did you like the story?" I asked in a deep voice.
"Well thank you very much, that is very nice to hear." And I pretend to
read the menu again.
"Do you know the story?" Their faces both looking shocked, the
wife in embarrassment, and the man in astonishment.
"In fact," I say in a proud deep voice. "I do, very well. I wrote it."
Then Reaching my hand out to the woman. "How do you do, I'm
Sarah Lynn Morgan."
3 cans of tuna cat food $1.80.
1 double cheese, half pepperoni, $10.75.
2 people, probably still standing at the pizza counter with
two chins on the floor as I write this..., Priceless.
Sarah Lynn Morgan.