After Battle For Earth... What's next?
Blog About:
So... I've received a number of inquiries about my next story... Most of my responses thus far have been that I was working on a superhero story titled Pyren's redemption, but sometimes plans change. I still intend to write Pyren's redemption and will probably work on it on the side, but the requests for sequels to Battle for Earth did not go unnoticed. I've been intending to write a sequel all along, but I generally like to take a break from a series after I finish it. This time around, I really, really, really wanted to start work on the sequel. So... I decided to do just that.
The sequel to Battle For Earth, which I'm at this moment is titled "Legacy of Earth" will kick off with "Genesis" which granted, both sound a little bit like prequel names, but given that the story will explore the origins of Phyrr Lesch I think the title is rather fitting. I won't go into too many details, but the story will begin a few hundred years where Battle left off and feature a descended of Lily and Lexa. Like Lexa he will be a bit of a reluctant hero only agreeing to become host to a K'teth in order to save his life. A derelict ship leaps into orbit around Earth and it's up to our hero(ione) to discover where it came from and what if any threat it poses.
Also, I've decided to start posting the cover art and images I create for stories on my deviant art page. So anyone who's looking for such little tidbits can find 'em by clicking on this here link. (You can find the cover art I created for Legacy of Earth there so you might want to check it out.)
Everyone have a delightfully demented day,