In Too Deep - Chapter 21 and Tension and Zombies, OH MY!
I just finished writing chapter 21, but I am thinking that I will wait until tomorrow night to post it, as doing them more often than that seems to make readers miss chapters.
I am also enjoying how the tension is mounting. I have heard from a few people that have expressed concern about the darker aspects of my story. I sympathize with them, but have to allow the work to speak for itself.
There is sex. There are some D/s themes. There is emotional manipulation. There are some aspects that can be called marital infidelity.
In my defense, let me say this....I absolutely hate films that show gratuitous gore. I don't watch slasher films. I skipped every SAW movie. I barely made it through Silence of the Lambs....BUT....I absolutely LOVE zombie films. I can see the gore in those films without flinching. I don't know why, but I can watch Dawn of the Dead (the original please), Zombieland, Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, I am Legend (OMG I even purchased the original with Vincent Price in B&W, as well as the color one with Charlton Heston), etc. without a problem.
So what is it about the way I am wired that lets me watch the one but not the other? IDK.
I just want anyone that is uncomfortable with my story to know that I understand if you have to pass over the things that bother you. I am the same way.