Alternatives PLEASE!
Blog About:
1.) If we didn't have BC where would the authors post their stories? There are other sites, but none as welcoming and as author-friendly as BC.
2.) If we didn't have BC where would readers find stories? There are other sites, but none offer the quality of BC. Why? See 1.).
3.) If we didn't have BC where would bloggers post their thoughts? There are other sites, but are bloggers on other sites able to post with confidence that their thoughts will be appreciated and handled with respect.
BC isn't free. It requires your support. At least once a month Erin has to come to us Hat(box) in hand and beg for our contributions.
There has to be a better way.
Please give this site some thought. Do you have any ideas how this site can become self-sustaining without the monthly "pledge drive"?
Erin wouldn't make her pleas if they weren't needed. She's disclosed her finances many times and it is NOT a matter of cost cutting. If anything, the expenses are grossly understated with Erin covering way too much on her own.
Any ideas are welcome -- and will be handled with appreciation and respect.