Rambling About Gods and Dinosaurs
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I believe that we, as in all of us human beings that find ourselves clinging to this mote of dust that is hurtling through the universe, try to lock everyone up into nice neat little boxes that make us comfortable. I am, personally, a bit OCD and I have a tendency to place my dishes into exactly the right place on the shelf, and fold my laundry just so, and do a billion things a day in a very specific way.
Beginning with my pubescent life, I became a people-watcher, and one of the things that I was most surprised to discover was that those of us in the LGBTQ multiverse are every bit as constrained by this convention as religious fundamentalists and corporate CEO types. We have a serious problem with things that don't fit into our boxes.
Now that is not to say that we are all the same, but there is a strange similarity between people in every clique. Some will say that we are drawn to a group that expresses our own notions of acceptability, but the evidence seems to indicate that we actually tend to adapt ourselves to fit a group, rather than settle into a group that reflects our personal status quo.
Life is a dynamic environment. Change is inevitable. Shit happens.
I know I probably sound like I am going off the rails here, but my point is that my characters reflect the dynamic nature of life as I have created it. For some reason, they won't let me cram them into my boxes. instead, they are busy adapting to their own. They constantly surprise me by doing things that I had not anticipated.
In a tiny way, I think that this reflects my personal "God-image". What I mean by that, is that I am beginning to feel like I created this universe to accomplish a particular linear goal. The goal was to take a story idea from A to B to C to D, but my crazy-ass creations keep taking my plans off on tangents.
In any event, I am enjoying the surprise twists that my characters are adding to the linear storyline, but I can see how a more anal God might get frustrated about the way they keep mucking about.
What if God just got pissed off when the dinosaurs wouldn't stick to the plan, so he wiped them out and started over.