Alex & Chris Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 Tilly in Scarborough
by Sharphawlad
Just then the telephone rang It was Tilly. “Aunt is it OK for me to go to a show it though will mean I will not be back before midnight?”
“Yes that would be OK in fact I would rather you booked into the Royal and stayed the night.” “In fact I could do with you doing some more shopping for some friends of mine. So I do not expect you back before 19.00 tomorrow that should give you plenty of time to get what I want. “I hope you have a pen & pencil the items are for a four year old and two five year olds.” She proceeded to give Tilly the list.”
Tilly looked at the list and said, “It is going to take me all day tomorrow to get all these.” “Would it not be better for me to stop the extra night?” Then I will not be driving back tired.”
“Right Tilly you had better go to the Castle book store on Castle Dean Road. Then you had better get what you need.”
Angela Said, “How would you like to spend all day tomorrow with your big sisters and go home about nine?” The three little girls looked at their mums with pleading eyes.”
Helen said, “Please can I borrow your phone as mine appears to have no reception here.” She dialled a number and said, “It is Doctor Fullolove here something of the utmost importance has occurred & I will not be in for work tomorrow but I will be back the following day.”
Leslie said, “Well we have Pyjamas in the car for you three as before now we have changed you into them if we are going to be late.” But we have nothing for ourselves.”
Angela said, “I have an idea.” Alexis you remember when we were little girls and used to play.”
Alex smiled and said, I will never forget.”
Her mother said, “Angela remember they are only little.”
“Mum I was only wondering if these three would like to try on some fairy dresses or princess dresses.”
“By the look on their faces Helen said, “OK”. “I was wondering though if it would be possible to get all their clothes washed and dried so that they have a change again.”
Rose said, “I will come and collect them and ask the cook to do them when she washes the other items.”
Helen said, “Please give her that from me.”
“Sorry madam you are guests of the family & pay for nothing.” “I took the liberty of extracting your cheque for the entrance fee.”
Angela's mother said, “You did the correct thing Rose.” “Let me see the Cheque.” “Yes this is yours.” Well this is what we will do with it.” She tore the cheque in to small pieces.” “Now would you like to see what used to be the girls room?”
Just before they set off Chris rang to say, “Hello Alex I need to get back I have thought about it and decided to go to the clinic to talk to the doctor.”
Alex said, “In that case you had better get her as fast as you can as my little sisters are waiting to meet there big sister Chris.”
There was a pause and Chris said, “You said little sisters.”
“Yes I have three of them.”
“Well I am in Paris at the moment but I have already got a flight to Yeadon international it at 15.00 can Rose come and collect me.”
Alex said, “Rose Miss Chris will be returning at 15.00 to Yeadon international Airport.”
Rose said, “Sorry Girls I have to go and collect your big sister.”
Angela's mother laughed and said, “Well sister you get to play with your granddaughters.”
“Come granny you can play with me?”
Angela said, “Mum can you send Alice to play with us as she is near our age & then Granny can join you in the shop.” Her mother laughed and said; when Chris gets here she can come and play. In fact would you oldies like to come to the shop.” “I am sure you are peckish I am. Grandma will bring you something.”
Alice was told it was her turn to play with the girls.” “Madame I have been thinking the children will not have had any lunch and a snack of some sort will go down well.”
Alice eventually found the girls sat by the statue of Venus. Astrid said, “Look it is mummy Alice & she has brought us some food.”
“Sorry I did not know your likes and dislikes so I brought a selection of everything and an orange juice each.” “Is there anything the girls cannot eat?”
“Well they are not keen on salads or Pickles.”
Alex said, “Did you bring any small tomatoes?” and gave Helen a wink. “I really like them.”
“If our big sister Alexis gets them then we want one of those.”
Helen & Leslie and said, “Well now we are away from them what do you think of your grand daughters?”
“Actually I quite like the idea & you can see why Alexis can no longer have children. Angela, Tilly & Chris are all half sisters and all wanted Alex.” “Angela & Tilly were the first to stake their claims but they jumped the gun and Alex met Chris when they both worked at the same firm.”
“So does Alex own this place?” “It is a bit more complicated than that but officially he is the nominal owner which means so are your daughters.”
Helen said, “When he was paid £200 for his services I never envisaged we would be moving in here.” “Are you sure it is OK?
“We have decided to play a joke on Tilly as she intended to play one on us.”
“Tilly is actually our niece & so is Angela but not Chris.” “Tilly's mum got killed in an accident & my sister took her in as I was unable to help.” “Her husband was the Lords son & he got a string of women pregnant & abandoned them.” “Then he vanished and none of us have managed to trace him.”
Helen & Leslie looked at each other and said, “That sounds like our father but it would be too much of a coincidence & if so we are also Alexis Cousins.” When they got to the cafe they both pulled out some photos of them with their parents.”
Angela's mother said, “Oh my god Christobell & Arthur.”
“You know mum as well as dad.”
“Well if I had any doubts before they have all gone I am not sure if I should call you daughters as you are my husband’s children or Nieces as you are my elder sister’s children.” “It looks like you are the only one who escaped his attentions.” “Christobell vanished long before we were married” In fact you both are a few years older than Angela and Alexis.
Helen said, Seven and five years older than Alex to be exact & we all share the same birthday.”
“2nd of August.” said the two ladies together.
“You two Yes but not the other Alexis the child was still born.”
Helen said, “Our father was shot for his gambling & he had a paupers grave. Mum on the other hand is living in Filey. She never told us she had sisters.”
“I was looking for a beautiful effeminate young man when I chose Alex.” “He informed me his father was dead and he needed to find extra to see him through college. I even meet him a time or two but it was not the done thing for staff to go with pupils. Looks like Tilly will get another night in Scarborough.”
Tilly answered the phone “Hello aunt what is it this time?”
“Forget the previous instructions stay the night & see the show and then I want you to get over to Filey and collect your aunt.” “You are to tell her who your mother was and that your aunt has instructed you to collect her.”
“OK Aunt but why did I not know about her?”
“She vanished long before you, Angela or Alex was born & until today I thought she was dead.”
Helen said, Do you mind if I ring to tell mum to be ready as Tilly will call for her in the morning.” Helen rang and said, “Mum it is Helen I want you to pack a suitcase as if you were going on holiday.”
She passed the telephone to her Aunt who said, “Hello Christobell, We are sending Jennies daughter to collect you as she is staying at the Royal. It appears you have two lovely daughters & your grand daughters have been calling your surviving sisters grandma all day. “In fact they are playing with our daughters who they are calling big sisters.”
“Have they had you racing them with you as the horse?”
“They have been on real horses and have claimed one each.”
“I hope my nieces have lots of stamina as they will sure need it” Now can you give me a phone number for my niece as I want to talk to her.” She wrote the number down & repeated it several time to make sure it was OK.
Tilly was just at the box office when she received the phone call. “Hello is that Tilly this is your Aunt Christobell. Have you booked in at the Royal yet?”
“No that is on my next thing to do I am just about to get my ticket for the show at the Futurist theatre.”
“In that case how about booking me a ticket also and you sleeping the night here with me.”
“I could be across in 15 minutes or so where do you live?”
“Oh that is easy, if you take the road signed to the cobbled landing I live in the first cottage round the corner.”
“I have your ticket I hope you do not mind but I said you were a pensioner.”
“Well I certainly am that.”
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door & Tilly said, “Taxi to take you to the Futurist.”
“I can tell your Jennies daughter she always liked to do practical Jokes.”
Tilly said, “I have a feeling a joke has back fired on me.” Tilly looked at the photos on the mantelpiece & there was a faded one of her mum and aunts.
Then she saw the new photos. “That's me my daughters and Granddaughters. Tilly burst laughing that is Leslie Fullolove.” “Yes darling Fulllolove is what I am known as here.”
“Now I know for sure my joke has backfired.” “I met Leslie some time ago and arranged to meet her at Manchester in the Trafford Centre.”
“Oh you are the one she was excited about.” “Helen was also excited she had spoken to Chris about how her daughters were conceived.”
Tilly said, “While I was in Scarborough they turned up looking for where Chris lived.”
“Helen told me she was taking the day off work to go to Hidden Corner as she had heard it was a lovely place for children. Apparently my granddaughters cannot wait to get their hands on you.”
“Now that would explain my list I was given.”
“Do you still have it?” “Oh that lot is easy we if we go now can get most of that in the market hall & then we can go to the Sunflower cafe on Blands cliff. “Sorry I spoiled the night at the Royal for you I am sure you would have preferred it but I do have a large double bed & it will give me chance to talk to you. Christobell said, “I got rid of a lot of stuff to the girls and upstairs is locked off unless they come to stay. “I am thinking though that I better go next door and show you off.”
Tilly found an equally old lady. Tilly said. “I have come to take my aunt on an extended holiday in fact she may not return but I may to clear the house out.” The old lady looked sad and then brightened up when Tilly said, “After she is settled in perhaps I could collect you.”
“That would be lovely dear I would like that.”
Christobell said, “We are going shopping for my Granddaughters now.”
“As they got into the car Christobell said, “Have you one of those new fangled phones?” “It will save going back into the house if you have.” “If I give you the number will you dial it for me?”
A few seconds later the phone was answered. Christobell Said, “Hello Sally can you put plan a into action I will be there for 4 as my niece & I have some important shopping to do.”
The old lady said, “I am your senior aunt so I will treat you as my daughter.”
“I presume my sister still has you changing clothes at least three times a day.” “Or did she have you as the maid?”
Tilly said, “To be honest I do not mind although the accident with Alex was a shock. “ Christobell continued to chat & it only took ten minutes to park in front of the market hall.
Christobell handed her niece a parking pass. “I use this when anybody take me out.”
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