Bullying is uncool
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Transgender people have it rough when it comes to finding love and acceptance. They are often marginalized, trivialized, or victimized. It is a shame that transgender people are bullied, but it is even more alarming when that bullying comes from within the community.
The transgender community is wide and diverse. We are not going to view all things the same, just like not all Americans view everything the same, or our families. We need to understand that different people have different ideologies and just like we want to be accepted for being transgender, we should accept that others might not have the same viewpoints as we do. Accepting doesn't mean that you agree, but that you respect a persons right to disagree. Arguing the point is well and good if you stay on target, but resulting in name calling is uncalled for and a form of bullying. Labeling people who don't agree with you as Terfs, truscum, and twerf is a form of bullying, especially since most people use these derogatory terms without fully understanding their meaning.
Discussing people behind their back is called gossip, and another form of bullying. If you are unwilling to confront the person directly, perhaps you should keep your displeasure to yourself instead of going off on some diatribe. Usually gossip gets back around to the person anyway, and then what? It's not worth it and I don't want to be a part of it.
Being transgender is hard enough, especially when dealing with mainstream society. Let's not complicate thing by bullying our own members.