Raw Subject Guns
There is an old saying, God made people, Samuel Colt made them equal. If one thinks about it there is a lot of truth in there. A hundred plus pound girl has the same equal defense against a four hundred pound bear, rabid dog, six hundred pound moose, three hundred pound man, etc.
Now before we go any further everyone check the laws in their state. For an example, if caught carrying in NJ one faces ten years in prison. Don't automatically think the Second Amendment will protect you in liberal states. IF, you haven't ever used one or owned one for goodness sake don't think it is same as picking up a bat and start swinging. I've taught gun handling non professionally to friends and others. My daddy's rule is number one. Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill. Second, guns are ALWAYS loaded. People are killed because they "assumed" there were no bullets in it, as they pointed it at someone and pulled the trigger. (see rule one)
I started carrying daddy's guns when I was six, and yes I cried when I killed my first rabbit. I remember vividly many of the things I shot. Some were necessary, some for sport. And a few just because I had a gun and I could. A gun is a tool, it has no life of its own. It isn't evil nor good just because evil or good people are holding it. A sword, a knife, an axe, a bow and arrow, whatever one has in their hands is a tool. People don't think of a typewriter as a tool to kill but it can be used that way. Not from physically hitting someone but destroying them with words. Starting rumors and wars kills people.
If one doesn't own a gun, for goodness sake don't run out and buy one if the idea hits your brain. Gun ranges have guns to try out along with a fairly safe environment to practice. Be sure to let them know you want an instructor. Try out different calibers and different brands to find the right fit for your hand. If you can't control it you aren't going to be able to use it. I carry a damn big caliber in a smaller gun. Yes it kicks! My kids hate it. Some of the women I taught to shoot love it and told me they were getting their own. They didn't want a twenty two, thirty eight, nine MM, forty five or any of the smaller calibers. If guns aren't your thing leave them alone. I'm not afraid of the killer with a gun. I'm afraid of the idiot with a gun. If you have one or if you don't and buy one, practice. Put a LOT of lead down range. I'm happiest around people who can handle their weapons with their eyes closed.
No idea how many of you are seeing the stories about twelve and fourteen year old boys and girls, and women, home alone are defending, wounding, and or killing those who break into their homes. They pulled the trigger and lived to tell their story. Sadly, many can't make that leap and pulling the trigger doesn't happen so they are killed, sometimes with their own gun. There is another old saying, I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.
I'm not you. If you think guns are evil or even if you don't and you haven't ever owned one, or even if you do, put some lead down range before making a decision. Do not believe anything you have seen in the movies. I've seen some really good fast accurate shooters. They are few and far inbetween. And if them guys are shooting at you, chances are you're going to die. "ALL" that lead doesn't miss. They are probably using automatics or semi automatics using the spray and pray technique. Unless you're Annie Oakley stay out of the line of fire. Women don't have the body mass men do. One bullet, even from small caliber, and most women are through.
He wanted to try out my gun so I handed it to him.
"Where's the safety?" Was his first question.
"Between your ears. Don't put your finger on the trigger until you have your target in your sight."
"Okay, now where's the safety?" He asked again.
"I told you. Between your ears. You point, you pull the trigger, it shoots." Most guns have a safety. Mine don't. Not on the gun anyway. It no longer amazes me how many grew up not ever handling a gun.
It's only a tool. Sometimes necessary to back up other tools like house locks and car locks among other things.