Rusty. Feb 1995 to Feb 2015
Blog About:
Our long suffering cat was euthanized at aprox 9:45am CST today, Saturday Feb 7th.
He and his late littermate Cally were two Wisconsin Humane Society kittens from the old location behind WTMJ tv and radio near Esterbrook Park in Milwaukee WI.
Best estimate were he was born Feb 08th 1995. But we will call him 20 years old.
He will be cremated and his ashes scatted over his sisters grave by a peony in our back yard.
Hear is a photo I took at most 30 minutes before he passed. To think he was once nearly 16 pounds of energetic tabby. The hand is The Evil Blond... my younger sister.
Love them while you can.
John in Wauwatosa