Catwalk Confidence and Connie Alexander update
Hello all. :)
It’s been well over a year since I posted on this site and boy what difference a year makes!
I’ve had to take a break in my writing as I had a sudden change in my life occur that resulted in me leaving my job, packing up and moving 1700 miles from the east coast to deep in the hill country of west Texas. Talk about your culture shock.
I’m now living on 30 acres made up of rock and cactus, my water is from a well and my electricity from a windmill. I’ve got a large garden that should do nicely in giving me fresh produce if I can keep the deer, rabbits and grasshoppers from eating it all.
The peace and quiet is wonderful and the stars so clear at night you feel like you can pluck them from the sky.
The downside to all of this is all this takes a bunch of my free time for one thing and the other is there is no internet connection here. That’s the worse part.
All my connectivity comes from smart phone. Needless to say it isn’t all that fast but faster than anything else I can get here, cheaper too.
As far as Catwalk Confidence goes, I’m really sorry for leaving people hanging on this. I do plan on getting more submitted. I have a bit more written and there’s still a lot to say. I’d have more done but between the move working 60-80 hour weeks doing contract work and having a horrible case of writers block when it comes to this story there isn’t as much done as I’d like. I’m getting back into things again so hopefully I’ll have something soon.
I do have a couple of other stories that I hope to have done as well. I want to make sure they’re done first so I don’t leave anyone hanging again.
You know, I originally thought that I’d be writing so much more on this blog than I have. When it comes to my stories it seems I can write but about myself…not so much. Oh well.
Looking to getting caught up as I can and will hope to have something posted soon. Sorry for the long delay.
Take care all.
Love and light,