I am hoping this was a coincidence
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Highly LGBT question heavy survey?
I am hoping this was a coincidence.
And I hope I answered well.
I just got hit with one of those phone surveys, often I brush them off by saying "I am busy", this one called back however and I was not doing anything.
What I had not expected though was, "Most of the questions were LGBT related", they all were related to discrimination, public attitudes, and related legislation, plus personal opinion and position on these topics. While there were a handful of questions about race, nationality, religion and female gender relating to discrimination, the vast bulk of the questions were LGBT issues. And the questions seem to hit each of the LGBT issues from more then one direction.
Some of the subjects: Same sex marriage, child raising & adoption by trans or gay parents, bullying of Gay/Trans, Morality of being gay or trans, other's attitudes & perceived attitudes on it, religious attitudes on LGBT (acceptance or not), Discrimination against LGBT, laws and need for laws on these issues.
So How common are these surveys, And is Gay Lesbian Trans such a Hot-Topic right now? Do You think it was just a coinkydink?
~Hypatia >i< ..:::
PS. God, I hope assuming it was legit that I gave good helpful answers.
PPS. I don't do well on multiple choice Seems when given choices A, B, C or D, I often want too answer something like B but D too, or between C & D. lol