Gender role reversal, reversal
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So, here I am three months post op MtF and I found the following article:
I think it is a must read for pre-ops. I knew there would be a period or remorse or "Post part um depression, :) and I am dealing with it. I am most certainly NOT talking to the family about it.
The thing that triggered my investigation is the reading of "Eve's Rib" (1993). Some of the conclusions in his book are so startling, that I reasoned that by 2007 things would have developed much more and there would be even more support for what many of us have done. That was not the case and I wondered why there did not seem to be any "new" work being published.
In a nutshell, in the group of post op T girls mentioned above, all except one had returned to their old gender roles.
I had a rather extreme history in developing as a T woman; a lot of things going on that a little one with a loving Father and Mother might not have endured. My psych record is the thickness of two phone books.
Yet, oddly, I led a very normal adult life, raised three children, worked like a dog for over 45 years, was married for 39 years to a woman I can not get over, was extremely active in the Fundi church and did numerous overseas missions. I was also a well liked Electrical Contractor. In Oregon, that is no small feat.
That was all gone in an instant, like dust upon the wind, just a memory. This is no pitty party. I am reasonably happy. I know that some of you here have had similar or worse experiences.
My only question is: does anyone know of any recent research on the matter?
Many Blessings