Being Reverse Read
In the past two days I have had two quite different TG-related experiences.
The first one was on Sunday. I was confronted by a co-worker of mine who informed me as politely as she could that she had heard from another co-worker of ours that I wanted to be a woman (that's how she put it.) This was out of the blue, and when I asked who had told her that the co-worker mentioned was one I could not recall sharing this information with (there are about 3 I have.) She then proceeded to quiz me on the ins and outs about why I felt that way, before telling me, "I wouldn't have guessed. I mean, you don't act gay or anything."
I didn't bother to try to explain the difference.
Then there was the experience I had today. Well, Monday, technically.
A customer -- one I have never helped before -- called on me for information, only to stumble across pronouns several times before outright asking me, "I'm sorry, are you a man or a woman?" She was somewhat thrown off guard when I asked her -- somewhat thrown myself -- if it mattered. When she recovered, she simply smiled and referred to me as "ma'am" for the rest of our interaction. While a customer being confused by me is nothing new, one asking outright what to call me isn't nearly as common, at least not with anyone over the age of 8, with most people settling on a gender on their own, while I simply run with whatever happens, sometimes to humorously hear others in their group correct them -- both directions.
My question is, is this an even remotely common situation for anyone else? I mean, I haven't so much as taken a birth control pill in my entire life, and I'm embarrassingly overweight at the moment (weighing myself Monday morning I tipped the scales at a terrifying 275 lbs,)but I've gotten responses like this since I was a kid.
Don't get me wrong, I'd rather be androgynous to the point of confusing than hyper-masculine, but on the other hand, when I look in the mirror I don't see that myself, at least not at my current weight. Is this a good thing? A bad thing? Not a thing at all?
When I was rooming with Edeyn she would often be amused by my attempts to dress as a guy, since according to her I wasn't very good at it, and more than once she complained that I was embarrassing her by using the men's facilities at theaters or restaurants. But... about the only feminine thing I wear most days is my undies, so you'd think that passing as a guy shouldn't be an issue, right?
This confused Arkansan would like to know.
Melanie E.