Baby Update & We Need Help!
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Hey Everyone!
The Baby is Coming!
Soon.... Actually.... Tomorrow!
(Please Keep Reading)
Friday, October 4th, at 8AM we head to the local hospital for them to start induction with pertussis.
Since Amy is high risk, they want to induce early, and with the results of the amniocentesis in his lungs should be fine now.
I'm SO Scared, So anxious, and so..... I just can't explain all of it.
We found a new place, and we stat moving tonight. After 5pm.
As per the previous blog, her parents have calmed down greatly.
I currently have Durable POA over Amy along with specific medical POA should she become incapacitated, and as a precaution, she has the same over me.
We've written, signed and had notarized a letter that said says whom our first and second choice is for people willing, and able to take care of Liam should something happen to both of us.
Her Mom could, and probably WOULD fight for custody in such instance, but the notarized copy of our wishes shows the courts our desired intention, which SHOULD mean a lot.
Now, previously I said "If anyone wants, here's our Baby Registry, but I'm not asking"
If you want to buy something directly for the Baby, you can use the BabiesRUs Baby Registry, or you can Message me for our address if you want to purchase it somewhere else. We will even take donations of USED Items that anyone thinks is in serviceable condition, and we might need.
Also, if you would like to help Financially then PLEASE donate to BC, via AMAZON, or PayPal or even Check/MoneyOrder. You can also give to me directly, via PayPal if you wish, but PLEASE make sure to mark it as a gift, and please PM me for the address since I don't want it completely public.
With the Move, and the fact that we are getting little help from her family (After they promised us we didn't need to buy anything for the baby), we are definately in need of ANYTHING you can offer.
Right now, we have been promised a Stroller, 2 Car seats, and we have a Pack and Play portable Bassinet! PLEASE HELP US if you can! Anything Helps!