God Bless the Child is DUMB, DUMB
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I know this is going to get some people upset, but I really don't care.
There is a reason why I fight so hard for reviews from this site and that's because writing mainstream fiction that feature a transsexual character who isn't the butt of jokes or a caricature is an uphill battle. God Bless the Child is a story that was painstakingly crafty, that I have devoted hours of work and cried a bucket of tears into. My goal, was to show that thre are causes for transexuality. I chose a young character for a reason, so it wouldn't get thought of as some kind of sex story.
This was the latest review on Amazon:
This story is so dumb. The 1st mistake made within the story line is when the couple needed to buy the little boy pants and he didn't want them cause the ones his abusive father put on him were to small and hurt....didn't they think to get sweat pants with an elastic waist, take him home and let him see they wouldn't hurt.
Next, the mother can't make up her mind if she wants to keep him...as she says...he's a sweet little boy but he has issues...who doesn't.
Next, since when do you take a child shopping and let HIM pick out the clothes at age 4????
After they continue to dress him like a girl, they wonder why he wants to be a girl? And, don't take him to a Day Care...take him to a speech specialist and get him able to pronounce his name.
So now I wonder if I should even continue with this whole career. This isn't the first review like that I got. I even gotten called horrible names from people from this site. I am going to sit back and really think about things. I can use my talents and write stories about baseball or wrestling or war or christianity or knights or daredevils or kite flying. I am beyond distraught.