Okay, here's the deal
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I have problems posting my stories on BC. Let me explain, I write the text on MSword, edit it, have Holly edit it, edit it again and then change the text to HTML. Everything is wonderful so I click my heels together and download the HTML version at BC. I preview the story and guess what? All my spacing between the sentences or paragraphs disappear so I check my HTML version and lo and behold the spacing is still there. Okay, I get that I'm supposed to do something between point A and point B but I just don't get it. The last story I posted, Really I had to manually space the whole story before I pushed the save button. I will be posting my Twins fluff piece soon in three parts, it's over sixty thousand words and to be honest I don't have time to do the spacing manually so if I can't figure out how to post the story with the spacing then unfortunately it will be one large text twenty thousand words each, Sorry, but I have no idea of what to do, and before someone says use dupral or some other format, I have no idea what those are and where to find them. My computer is an Apple and if some format will work for me, explain it in the most elemental terms possible because I'm not computer literate. You want me to put the outside skin on a building or install glass in opening so far out of square it shouldn't be installed, but I can do that, it's just that computer formats have me flummoxed, Arecee