Useful writing website
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A writer friend of mine pointed out to me earlier this week. It's a really basic website that just puts out a simple challenge to it's users: write 750 words a day about anything. It doesn't care if you just type "I can't think of anything" a hundred and fifty times, it just keeps a word count, lets you know when you've hit your mark, and gives you points for doing so (Yay, points!). The idea behind it is that once you've gotten yourself started writing, you can continue doing so. Everything you write is kept private; it's not for sharing or publishing works, just to motivate you to put fingers to keyboard (but you can, of course, easily copy & paste what you've written elsewhere.)
I have no idea if it's something I'll use going forward (I'm notoriously ADD about stuff like this), but it's already helped me add about a thousand words each to an RPG setting I've had bouncing around in my brain for about a decade and a story for here that I've been dragging my feet on for something like two years, and I only signed up on Tuesday.
The reason I'm mentioning it here and now (and why my friend mentioned it to me) is that the site is currently free to sign up for and use, but in May it will be switching to a paid model--but existing accounts will remain free-for-life. So sign up this month for free if you think it might be useful, or after the first for $5/month. And if it's after the end of April and you want to subscribe but are truly hard-up for cash, they are willing to give the occasional free subscription, so do contact them and ask.
(Standard disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with the site at all aside from using it. If this sort of post isn't welcome here, I apologize and will be happy to delete it or ask the mods to do the same.)