Well it had to happen.
Now let's not beat about the bush!
Topside (Face) I DO NOT PASS when up close, however at about twenty feet it's possible! Below the neck however I'm a bit more ambiguous, modest mammaries, something of a waist, reasonable a--e and very attractive legs (at least that's what I've been told.)
My piccie is there for everybody to see!
Well on Thursdays, I've started to ride in the company of a group of older guys from the club for several reasons but the main one is because Colin, a life-time member of the club, recently had a stroke. He is now back on his bike (That in itself is impressive!) but his spacial awareness is affected cos' his LHS Vision is still a bit awry. Consequently he cannot cycle in dense urban traffic yet.
However, there is an excellent regular ride that these older men have been doing for several years. It comprises a 'there-and-back' jobby of about 30 miles along the old Vale-of-Neath 'A' class road that is now something of a backwater since the 4-lane 'Heads-of-the-Valleys' road was opened. This A road is now an excellent cycle route, being almost devoid of traffic but still well tarmaced and wide. To get to it Colin would have to cycle through Neath and all the traffic, so a request was put to me asking if I would be prepared to collect Colin in my Van and take him with his bike to the start of the safe route.
Okay, say's I and a few months ago I atarted this routine. The rest of the older guys were happy cos Colin was returned to their coterie and I added to their numbers.
Well last week Colin approached me after learning that I had more or less 'come out' as a transvestite to the club but I hadn't revealed the full extent of my intergenderism. He related to me an amusing anecdote going back to the first time I picked him up and put his bike in the back of my van.
"I didn't know whether or not to tell you this Bev, but now that you've more or less 'come out' I hope you won't be offended."
"Gooo-ooh on Colin." Sighs I with a smile.
"Well the first time you picked me up, our friend from accross the street phoned my wife Anne to tell her that a woman with a van had just picked me up outside our house."
I just chuckled and made light of it, then explained I was out to the Sunday riders.
Then John Willy pipes up.
"You've made his day now, Colin!"
And indeed Colin had made my day. I had been mistaken for a woman at about ten feet in broad daylight and I wasn't even wearing make-up cos of the pre-arranged ride with the men. For the rest of the ride I was like a dog with two tails!!
Usually, when out on my own I wear a hint of lippy and eye-shadow just to keep people guessing and address my own feelings. But that time I had no make-up and I remembered the neighbour had been standing by her Garden gate as I parked the van right beside her.
It's made my week.