Hurricane Sandy...
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Today is Tuesday and after being homebound since Saturday ensuring that Hurricane Sandy wasn't going to devastate me I was able to go out this morning amidst some light rain and light wind. In my neighborhood we fared well no casualties and not fatalities. I'm safe and so is my daughter. However there are still millions of people without power and will be fore several more days. There are homes destroyed, fatalities and people hurt. My heart and prayers goes out to the victims of the storm who did not fare well.
I remember at five in the evening on Saturday when the winds began to pick up. We had power all the way through the roughest part of the storm, we lost power for 2 and 1/2 hours last night as the storm was moving out of the area.
We lost the cable company around six last night so we entertained ourselves.
I had the opportunity to read a small amount of stories on this site, so BCTS helped me keep my sanity during the storm until the cable went out. Then I did the obvious, went to bed.
This was a super storm as it combined a blizzard and a hurricane happening at the same time.