Ditz Diary
So anyway ....
finally got up the courage to sign up with this great site BCTS and whadyaknow but I must have hit the wrong button or something coz it din't set up right and I couldn' find the missing links. Felt like a real Charlie Darwin til DAW put me right, bless. Had the foresight to post an image so even a ditz like me could understand - you know 'a picture paints a thousand ships' as Tele Savalis once said to Helen's wooden horse. Anyroadup, Erin was in instant Clark Kent type action (does she wear her tights under her knickers?)and here I am all on-line and ready to offload with my first blog entry. Have already been putting my comments about a bit and hope I'm not coming across all mouth and no pantyliners. Appreciate I'm just a two-day newbie, but I have been reading for months, honest, and bin through a lot of the back cattylog, but have to admit to being opinionated and will do my bestest to keep it nice, but if I lose balance, well, blame it on my heels. Waddever, I hope you can also give me a bit of patience, like that DAW who has the patience of a Simon Templar and found my incompetance amusing rather than annoying as already today I double posted, embarassing enough on its own but I had to double post a reply headed 'Blonde' apologising for my previous idiocy. Like, how many twists can a girl put in her pink satin bikinis! Anywaay, to get facing back the right way on the interstate, thanks for having me, try not to get annoyed at me and I'll do my best to scatter smiles - that's scatter as in throw them around like breadcrumbs, not as in drop a teapot at a pigeon party. That's all for today clucks, have to keep it brief as suffering from a broken pinkie nail, will update later on my newbie progress and hope this blog is more longlasting than this new lipstick I tried this morning. Keep 'em puckered ...