10 years of Little Katie
Upon opening the blog you should have heard a trumpet and balloons should have floated out of your computer along with confetti. If those things didn't happen, I am sorry that your computer must be defective and you should mail it to me and buy one that works the way I think it should.
It was 10 years ago to the day that my very fist story "The Wishing Blanket" appeared on Fictionmania. I have been entertaining and frustrating readers ever since (minus a few breaks in between for various reasons). It was that story that attracted our webmistress to me and she whisked me away to Big Closet. Back then the site was much different; you didn't post stories, but submitted them, only a few stories went up each day, and Erin edited my stories and cringed every time I wrote "would of" instead of "would've" and let's not start with there, their, and they're. My first story on Big Closet was How Life Can Change and it created quite a stir and I found out how addictive and annoying my writing can be to people. I also discovered how addictive comments and read can be (and now kudos).
So for everyone who doesn't have me on ignore, thank you for sharing the ride with me and go tell the people that do have me on ignore PBBT.