Just a picture I made today!
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You might all think that i'm jabbering on about Crossdressing Charlie too much these days but I can safely say that the series will follow through to the very end despite some readers doubts. As always I enjoy writing Charlie's throubling journey through his teenage years as he deals with his crossdressing addiction, family/relationship issues and the trouble of growing up in a society where he feels alienated because of what he has discovered within him. I'm going tease you a little bit but Episode 10 will reveal a major new character, a lovely one who I enjoyed creating! Someone Charlie can relate to, someone he can share his desires with, someone he can call a true friend. That's all i'll say about that. The reason for this blog was because I wanted to share an image I did today! Check it out above and comment if you have any questions on the series or any of my work! :)