Cats- the musical hits home
I have two cats. They are both tabby cats with bushy tails that like to collect things likes stickers and twigs and maybe even small gnomes that aren't fast enough to get away. I got these cats shortly after I got my house because I didn't want to be alone and I knew if I fed them that they would love me unconditionally (on the condition I feed them, so maybe not so unconditionally).
One of them is orange, and the other is sort of a rust color that if I saw on my car I would be quite upset. I got these cats thinking I would get hours of enjoyment out of them. That is, until I found out that they were evil.
That's right, I have evil cats and I can prove it. For one, the orange cat got into a fight and I think lost one of it's bones around the cheek and not has a big scar under its eye. I was worried for a bit, because for a few weeks it was a big gaping hole that had a lot of puss coming out of it. The other cat, the one without a scar, is the more evil looking of the two. By the way... the orange one is named Kabookie and the eviler looking one is Madeline. That's not the names they came from the orphanage, em animal shelter with. There original names were hope and faith, but evil little demon cats cannot be named after Biblical references.
Anyway... why are they evil. For one, they steal food. I went to get bread today and one of them (I suspect Madeline) ate through the bag and nibbled at a few corners. But there worst offense... is they like keeping me awake. They jump on me when I sleep and have to lay on top of me. If I lived in the artic this would be cute, but I'm in florida and it's like having an electric earmuff on your back. If I try to move, they don't do the normal thing and jump off... no!!! they did their claws in and wait for me to return back to my original position. EVIL!!! They also like to sleep on my keyboard... which isn't bad. But I opened up open office and I saw they wrote a TG story and it was better than mine. I didn't even know cats could crossdress. They also have this thing where if I am anywhere, they have to be right next to me and have a paw on me... i think they are trying to zap my life force to give them a tenth life.
I just ask for prayer... ask God to save me from the wee kitties.