Adios, Bandito
Last week, my kitty Bandit was eating less and sleeping maybe a little more.
On Sunday he was howling and straining at the litter box and hadn't eaten at all, so we took him to a veterinary emergency hospital a half hour away. The doctor examined him and couldn't find anything obviously wrong, so injected him with a broad range antibiotic and some fluids so he wouldn't dehydrate, and drew some blood to be tested. On Monday night the test came back and nothing was particularly wrong. On Tuesday morning he went to a regular vet and she wasn't sure what was wrong either, so she arranged to have a roaming doctor with an ultrasound machine come around the next day, since she didn't have a machine of her own. (Also at this time she gave my other kitty Smoky an exam, and it turns out she's got a thyroid problem that requires medicating.) It was late Wednesday when the ultrasound came around and they found fluid in his chest, that could have meant several different things. This morning the doctor drew some fluid and examined it under a microscope and found a large number of aggressively cancerous cells. It was too far advanced for the doctor to do anything about it and he still wasn't eating, so this afternoon Bandit was euthanized. But the doctor was very nice and compassionate and let us go sit with him for an hour before he had to go. So he was calm and purring as he fell asleep for the last time. He was twelve.