Feeling much better!
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First off, for all the folks that PM'ed me or commented, wishing me good health, thank you very much! I feel much luvved
I'm still coughing a bit, and coughing up a bit, but I'm so much better... First time since Monday night that I've been able to handle solid food was this morning's breakfast. If a half a bagel and being full can be considered breakfast, that is
I'm working on Sk8r Grrls Episode 7 right now, so it should be up this afternoon or evening. In other news, Heather Rose Brown and I are still working on the character designs, but Annie, Allie, and Mary are all done -- Jenni almost is, just some final tweaks. I sent her the first storyboard last night, but we have to finish the design of the characters before we work too much on those...
Annie, Allie, Mary, Jenni, Bridgette, Suzy, Lisa, Roger, Evie, Andy, Evan, Coach Byers, Kate, Heathen, and then the Train Wreck Crew... I need to decide how many of them there are before the Skate Off!
Oooh, all kinds of exciting. I'm seriously touched (and not a little amazed) by the response you've all shown toward my little story. Makes me wanna keep producing for ya!
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney