BC-V1 Chat Meeting - Part 2
Taxonomy upgrade extras:
We had a productive but fairly technical chat meeting last night and hammered out some details of how the book will look and calculated again to be sure we can get 150,000 words into 320 pages of an 8x10 trade paperback with nice margins and typography. It is not only doable, I think it will be quite a handsome book!
These decisions are still tentative depending on if the printer has the fonts we chose but we decided (mostly me, I'll admit but I was listening to everyone's input) on 14pt Palatino on a 15pt line for body text with a 3pt space between paragraphs. This is a nice compromise between book appearance and ebook practicality so we don't have to do two different layouts for the two versions. Margins will be about 1 inch, top, bottom and outside with 1.25 for inside margins. This gives about a 70 character line and about 38 lines per page, a heavy load for a 6x9 book but entirely suitable for an 8x10 one.
One of the Helveticas will be used for display font (titles, footnotes, TOC) and other typographic decisions were made but may change as the book develops.
We went over the list of nominations quite lightly, mainly discussing how sorry we were that some of them are clearly too big, or are fanfics, or present problems of acquiring permissions since some of the authors have not been heard from in years. Here's the link to the nominations list as of noon Pacific on Wednesday. http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/book/25855/bc-v1-nominations-t...
A suggestion was made that we include an In Memoriam page to remember those in the community who have passed on and everyone agreed.
After the chat, Piper and I began going through the nominations to determine actual lengths but decided to program our way out of copying and pasting each story into an editor in order to do a wordcount. The result is that each story now has a wordcount at the bottom, the correct word count even appears when one does a print ready page of a compiled book for a chapterized story. :) The programming took a bit over an hour but then we had to wait half an hour for the server to reboot at 1 a.m. Pacific! LOL.
Next chat meeting? How about 10 a.m. Pacific Sunday morning so our transatlantic contingent can participate?