Road to Myself 10: Work? No way!
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Annette MacGregor
The idea of coming out at work is one that fills me with much trepidation.
But, recent events have made me think that maybe, just maybe...
But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I work for a fairly large "high tech" company, that has an LGBT advocacy group and policies that say they accept transgendered employees. Okay, so far.
I live in NJ, which has laws against firing based on gender. The divisional headquarters is based in CA which also has similar laws. However, the ultimate headquarters is in MA... Only legal protections for Sexual Orientation there, not gender... Add to this how EASY it would be to "frame" one of us to "claim" the firing was due to performance rather than gender issues. So, I think with reason, I'm still nervous.
I joined that advocacy group, and as far as they know, I'm one of their straight allies. We have two corporate sponsors (both very senior VPs, one of which is straight the other LGB & OUT). Not much happened this past year, but at the end of the year conference call, they dropped a bombshell on us.
As of last week, the corporate muckety mucks approved inclusion of trans medical benefits starting in 2011. Is this amazing? (I know the 2010 HRC survey showed 66 major companies that already have some form of this.) Too late for me to take advantage of - I think... And, I don't yet know WHAT benefits. But, I find that they'll be offering ANY benefits a positive sign.
Then, in a fit of - I dunno what, you tell me - insanity, I volunteered to take a position on the board of the LGBT advocacy group... We'll see if that was a good move, or not... But, it, maybe, gives me a better opportunity to find out what's going on and perhaps be helpful. We'll see.
But, this gives me a little more hope for a successful work transition (now, if I can only manage my non-work transition. LOL). But, to be honest, I expect to have to change divisions when I do transition - as my current position is very "in your face", as far as the clients are concerned, which might be an issue. Time will tell.
Thanks for listening (okay, reading).