Nikki Araguz
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If Nikki Araguz loses, any Transfolk in Texas will be effectively de-transitioned. This is scary, this is not scare tactics, this is important, folks.
The very IDENTITY of Transfolk in Texas lies in the hands of a small-town Republican judge.
"If Nikki loses, you lose your legal status. It doesn’t matter what your doctor says. It doesn’t matter what your chromosomes say. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re intersexed. It doesn’t matter if your birth certificate says you’re female when you’re male-to-female. It doesn’t matter. What will matter is that a small town judge has said that you’re legally male if you’re male-to-female. And that if you’re female to male, well, you’re legally a woman for the rest of eternity. That’s what this case is about, and I don’t know that people really understand that. This case is huge. It affects the lives of thousands and thousands and thousands of people."
--Cristan Williams, Transgender Foundation of America, Houston