The Center character webpage
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The Center Characters website
I've been a huge fan of The Center universe, and at the rate the stories are coming out, I thought it might be useful to have a resource to keep track of the ever-growing number of characters. That is why I've put together:
For readers:
It's no secret that the authors try to confuse you by having as many characters with short names starting with L as possible (Lara, Lili, Lulu, Luce, Liz, Lise). Okay, well actually I made that up, but you need not be confused anymore! Just search your favorite character and you will have access to all their details.
Worried about spoilers? Try ! It is the same as the other site, but it wont tell you about characters relationship status, whether or not they are dead/traitors, etc.
For writers:
As of right now, this website only has characters from stories that are considered canon. I am open to including characters from non-canon stories, though they would likely be filtered out by default. All characters are used by permission from their authors. If you are an author and would like direct access to the data so you can add it yourself (it's easy!), PM or email me.
For Everyone:
All of the data and the website was put together by myself (with a little help from some of the authors) over the last 5 or so days. I tried to be as exhaustive as possible, but there are probably some details I've missed or mistakes I've made. Please send any details to me via PM or [email protected]. I am also open to any suggestions! I look forward to the feedback.
Edit: Fairly major overhaul. You can now filter out 'featured' profiles, these are the ones that tend to have the most detail (also pretty pictures). Now in color!