Special offers on Gaby books!
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As the holidays are nearly upon us and you all need some vacation reading matter, for a limited period - up to June 30th 2010 you can purchase selected Gaby books at up to 30% off the usual rates!
Gaby Dress Up book was £9.99 now £8.99 save 10%
download was £3.99 now £2.99 save 25%
Crossing the Line book was £10.17 now £8.99 save 11%
download was £3.00 now £2.49 save 17%
Gaby & Friends book was $14.91 now $12.99 save 15%
download was $7.50 now $5.50 save 30%
All Things Denied book was £11.99 now £9.99 save 15%
download was £3.50 now £2.49 save 30%
Go to Scaramouch and scroll down the page to find all the books!
Next month or maybe later this i will offer a further selection at discounted prices to entertain you over the summer!
have fun